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List of official IAU star names

This is a list of star names officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) [source].

Apparent Magnitude is the relative brightness of the star in the night sky. Lower numbers are brighter. A decrease of 1 is approximately equivalent to an increase in brightness of 2.5x; for example, Capella (0.08) is about 2.5 times brighter than Antares (1.06). Stars dimmer than 5.5 or so are very difficult to see with the naked eye; with city lights, the limit lowers to 4.5 or less. This list is sorted from brightest to dimmest.

Declination is how far north or south of the "celestial equator" a star is. Generally, stars with a declination of more than 0 are visible at night for more than half the year (if it's clear). For observers at Harrisonburg's latitude, stars with a declination of more than 55 are always above the horizon, while those less than -50 or so are always below the horizon.

Green-highlighted names are available; red-highlighted names have been claimed.
(Up to date as of 2019-09-19)

To apply for a star name, send an email to [email protected].

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Star name Constellation Apparent